About Me

I'm a team oriented person with a strong sense of time and project management skills. My passion lies in crafting innovative solutions, and I've had the privilege of working on diverse projects that showcase my technical prowess. I've developed Habit Heatmap, a goal tracker that utilizes heatmaps to track a persons progress and Climate Cast a weather/News dashboard. Outside of coding, I'm a member of Climb CCNY, the rock climbing club at my school.

My Education

I'm a Senior at the Grove School of Engineering pursuing a Bachelors in Computer Science. Beyond that I'm a Data Science and AI applications Fellow at CUNY Tech Prep which has taught me Data science technologies and priniciples such as understanding Pandas, Numpy, Scikit-learn and SQL for data collection and processing.

My Tech Stack

My most used languages are Javascript, Python and Typescript. Furthermore, I've mostly used React.Js, Next.Js, TailwindCSS, Flask, Amazon Web Services and Firebase.


Habit Heatmap

Habit Heatmap is a web application that helps you track your habits and visualize your progress. It uses a heatmap to show you how well you are doing with your habits.

Java Calendar

A Calendar completely made using Java. It's capable of allowing the user to mark important dates, swap between months and years and finally, also includes a log for the user to add notes to each date.


A web application similar to pinterest which presents photo's and allows users to travel to the orginal website of an image.